Joint civil society statement on Greece’s pandemic recovery plan

On March 23rd 2021, 70 civil society organisations sent an open letter to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Mr. Skylakakis, expressing our concern about the lack of transparency and limited opportunities to participate in the drafting of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

National Recovery Plan Call to Action

Over the past few weeks, we have been busy organizing an initiative to express civil society’s collective dismay and concern about being left out of the design and implementation of Greece’s COVID-19 recovery plan.

The Alliance Working Group has developed project proposals in support of a pandemic recovery that is truly “Green and Just.” Currently, we are refining our ideas and assessing their feasibility. Next steps:

  • Select the best proposals and implement them in collaboration with outside experts, scholars, beneficiaries, government authorities, etc.
  • Map Greek civil society (including NGOs, universities, grassroots groups, and communities directly impacted by the issues) to identify synergies and develop new fruitful partnerships.
  • Hold officials accountable for properly implementing the Greek National Recovery Plan.

Interventions Under Development

  • Pathways to more sustainable agriculture and entrepreneurial opportunities for farmers
  • Green and Plentiful Housing
  • Healthy People, Healthy Planet
  • Learning from the Pandemic
  • Bracing for climate refugees
  • Sustainable Urban Development