
Ενδιαφέρεσαι να συμμετέχεις στις δράσεις μας; Έχεις ιδέες, απορίες, απόψεις που θα ήθελες να μοιραστείς μαζί μας;

We welcome your comments and questions!

Drop us a note and we will follow up with you shortly. You can also reach out to us on social media.

Είμαστε στη διάθεσή σου! Στείλε μας email, συμπλήρωσε τη φόρμα επικοινωνίας, ή βρες μας στα social media. Θα φροντίσουμε να απαντήσουμε σε κάθε σου ερώτημα.

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The Alliance Working Group has developed project proposals in support of a pandemic recovery that is truly “Green and Just.” Currently, we are refining our ideas and assessing their feasibility. Next steps:

  • Select the best proposals and implement them in collaboration with outside experts, scholars, beneficiaries, government authorities, etc.
  • Map Greek civil society (including NGOs, universities, grassroots groups, and communities directly impacted by the issues) to identify synergies and develop new fruitful partnerships.
  • Hold officials accountable for properly implementing the Greek National Recovery Plan.

Interventions Under Development

  • Pathways to more sustainable agriculture and entrepreneurial opportunities for farmers
  • Green and Plentiful Housing
  • Healthy People, Healthy Planet
  • Learning from the Pandemic
  • Bracing for climate refugees
  • Sustainable Urban Development